Steam is a hot topic in early childhood education. And while it may seem like just a bunch of vapor, the steam you see coming out of the kitchen can actually be very useful in your classroom.
What is STEAM?
STEAM is a combination of the terms Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. It’s an educational approach that incorporates these subjects into the classroom to encourage creativity and problem solving. STEAM encourages students to explore how they can use their knowledge in new ways while learning more about themselves in the process.

While this might sound like it would be more appropriate for older kids who are ready for college prep courses or even AP classes, there are plenty of benefits for younger children too!
What Are the Components Of STEAM?
STEAM is an educational methodology that integrates the arts and sciences to promote creativity and critical thinking. STEAM education includes learning through both hands-on activities as well as theoretical studies.
The components of STEAM are:
- Science – The study of natural phenomena (e.g., physics) through experimentation and observation.
- Technology – The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.
- Engineering – Designing or making things using science or technology.
- Arts – Using creative expression for self-expression or communication.
- Mathematics – Using numbers in real world contexts like counting money, calculating tips at restaurants, or measuring distances between objects on a map so you know where to go next time!
1. Science
Science is a way to understand the world. It’s a way to learn about it, too. And it’s also an opportunity for you and your child to explore, investigate and interact with the world around you.
When you introduce steam as part of your early childhood education curriculum (or any other scientific concept), you help them develop their sense of wonder at how things work by showing them how they can make changes in their environment through experimentation and observation.
This kind of learning can be especially important for young children who are still forming their ideas about how things operate in the world around them: when they see something happen because they did something themselves or with help from someone else. Whether it’s turning off an appliance or lighting up some candles, they’re more likely to think about why that happened than if someone just told them it did so without giving any context behind those actions (“don’t touch those hot lights!”).
2. Technology
Technology is a tool that can be used to support learning. Technology is used in early childhood education to support the learning of science, art and math. It can also be used to enhance the educational experience and help develop creativity in children.
Teaching technology is not just about learning how to use the technology itself. It is also about developing critical thinking skills and encouraging children to explore, create and problem-solve.
3. Engineering
Engineering is the process of designing, building and maintaining structures, machines, tools and systems. It’s a creative process that involves problem solving. Engineers use math and science to design and test new products and processes.
In early childhood education, the goal is to foster children’s natural curiosity and encourage them to ask questions. Teachers use inquiry-based teaching methods that allow students to explore concepts in a hands-on way. They also provide opportunities for students to engage in problem-solving and critical thinking.
4. Art
Art is an important part of STEAM. Art can be a way to express yourself and connect with others, as well as learn about the world around you and yourself. When children learn how to make art, they gain confidence in their ability to create something new and beautiful out of nothing. They also experience a sense of accomplishment when they see their artwork hanging on the wall or displayed somewhere else!
5. Mathematics
The importance of mathematics in early childhood education cannot be overstated. As a core subject, it is one of the building blocks upon which all other subjects are built. In fact, children should be able to count, add and subtract before they enter school, and multiplication comes soon after that! This can help them develop problem-solving skills as well as critical thinking and decision-making skills later on in life.
The Benefits Of STEAM For Children in the Early Childhood Education
STEAM is a great way to engage children in learning. It encourages creativity, which is essential at this stage of their lives. STEAM also helps children learn about the world around them and how everything works together, including themselves. When children are exposed to STEAM activities, they become more curious about their surroundings and that’s always a good thing!
STEAM can help kids learn how to solve problems by encouraging critical thinking skills and problem solving abilities. For example: if you want your child to understand how something works (such as an airplane), then you need them not only be able to recognize what each part does but also explain why it does its job so well!
What’s the Difference Between STEM And STEAM?
STEM and STEAM are two different approaches to early childhood education. STEM focuses on science, technology, engineering and math; STEAM adds art into the mix.
The difference between these two concepts can be confusing for many people because they are both used interchangeably by educators and parents alike. However, there is a clear distinction between them: STEM represents a subset of STEAM, STEM focuses primarily on science while STEAM includes all five disciplines (science plus art).
Is Steam Right for Your Child?
STEAM is a hands-on approach to learning that encourages young children to explore their world through play. Children learn about steam by experimenting with materials such as water balloons or ice cubes in an insulated container with holes punched into the lid so that steam will escape when placed on top of hot water in another container below it. Or they might try making their own paper airplanes using tissue paper stretched over narrow sticks cut from trees outside before folding them into triangles and gluing them together at each end using regular white glue found at any grocery store today!
The STEAM acronym is a great way to describe the different components of science, technology, engineering, arts and math that are important in early childhood education. By teaching children about these topics at an early age, we can help them develop their thinking skills and prepare them for future careers in STEAM fields. The benefits of STEAM extend beyond just learning how things work though. It also helps kids develop empathy towards others by giving them hands-on experiences with others who may not look like them or live nearby!