At School / Inclusion / Teaching · February 1, 2022 0

4 Ways to Use Music With Special Needs Students

One of the most powerful and influential ways you can use music to teach special needs students is to use it as a motivator. While this is among the most effective uses of music for special needs students, it is also the most seldomly applied element on the list.

This happens for two reasons. The first is that many teachers and instructors do not know about the benefits of using music as a motivator when working with special needs students. The second reason this isn’t more prevalent in the field of education is because many teachers and instructors personally lack interest in or appreciation for music.

Music With Special Needs Students

How To Use Music With Special Needs Students?

When you’re teaching Special Needs students in the classroom, it can be difficult to focus their attention on the lesson. In fact, many teachers report low attendance and a high rate of kids becoming distracted during class. Studies have shown that music can help students learn better, increase focus, and improve behavior. Here’re 4 ways you can use music to teach in your classroom or special needs resource room.

1. Use music to help students find their emotional center.

Music therapy is the use of music and sounds to help improve physical, psychological, and emotional health. It has been used for thousands of years to improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, as well as treat some illnesses.

For special needs students, music can be a powerful tool to help them calm themselves and focus. Music can be used in many ways to support students with learning disabilities, attention issues, and emotional or behavioral disorders. Here are some suggestions:

  • Encourage students to listen to calming music before test-taking or stressful situations.
  • Play calming music during transitions such as moving from one activity to another.
  • Use music to help students learn new tasks such as a new social skill.
  • Play music for students who may have difficulty with speech but who have a strong interest in music.

2. Use music and visual aids to increase comprehension

Music and visual aids are great tools to help students who have difficulty learning in traditional ways. This article is all about how to integrate music and visuals into your class. The important thing to remember is that every student learns differently. One approach may not work for everyone, but don’t give up! Keep trying until you find what works for that particular student!

  1. Sensory Integration
    The use of music can help students with sensory integration. Some students have trouble with the feel of a certain texture or clothing. They need to be “in their own element” to feel comfortable. Music can drown out other distracting noises, or it can become background noise, allowing them to focus on other things.
  2. Music also helps when it comes to motor skills
    Some students have trouble crossing midline and others have trouble picking up objects due to fine motor skills. Music can distract them from these movements and allow them to focus on the task at hand.
  3. Comprehension
    Using musical elements in the classroom will help a variety of different learners better understand concepts and ideas. You can use songs that tell a story, songs that repeat words, songs with catchy lyrics, even just instrumental music! If your student is having trouble understanding a concept, try playing a song with lyrics similar to the topic you are teaching.

3. Use music to increase attention and decrease disruptive behaviors.

Music has a way of getting students’ attention and helping them focus. In the regular classroom, music can be used to increase attention and decrease disruptive behaviors in students with special needs.

If you work with students with special needs, you know that some days are easier than others. The students are more cooperative, focused, and engaged, which makes your job so much easier. Other days may be more challenging or discouraging. The students may not be as engaged or cooperative. You might have a few extra behavior problems that make it difficult to get through the day effectively. Here are four ways to use music with students with special needs:

1) Use music to create a calm and welcoming classroom environment.
2) Use music to increase attention during lessons.
3) Use music as a reward when appropriate.
4) Use music to help transition from one activity to another.

4. Singing can be a form of non-verbal communication, which is helpful for students with speech impediments.

Singing gives students the ability to express themselves, which is another excellent form of non-verbal communication that many children with autism or other disabilities have difficulty doing verbally.

Songs often have lyrics that can be memorized and repeated by your child, which will help him or her develop speech. For example, “Old McDonald Had A Farm” can be used as a way for children to practice saying animal names aloud and then linking those words together with actions and gestures to form sentences and phrases.

A positive side effect of using singing as a form of communication is that it’ll also boost your child’s self-esteem and give him or her confidence in his or her own abilities.

Conclusion – Ways To Use Music With Special Needs Students

Teachers have shown that they can also use musical methods to teach special needs students. Not only is the auditory learning method very effective and less stressful, but it brings joy and peace to these students. It’s amazing how music can benefit those with special needs when it’s used in the right way. Now, teachers can effectively teach these children with innovative techniques that are likely to continue making a difference in their lives.