To Organize a classroom for children with special needs is one of the most difficult part of teaching. There are lots of things to be considered about these children including their needs, abilities, and disabilities.
A teacher must use a lot of strategies to teach them in a well-organized way and according to the child’s ability. Those need detailed planning and consideration by the teacher. It is necessary to take some time while getting ready to cope with all these challenges.

Organize a classroom for children with special needs
Organizing a kindergarten classroom for special needs children is not easy, especially when you are new to teaching. What does it take to organize a classroom for special needs children?
1. Gather everything that you may need
If you are someone who is looking forward to start working with children with special needs in a classroom, you should get prepared for the job. The first thing to do is getting a room ready and make sure that everything you need is available. You should also get used to being flexible and make sure that you can cope with any possible situation.
Tasks that need to be done when organizing a classroom for children with special needs include:
- Buy some boxes or containers and label them, so you can store anything inside of them without losing track of it. The boxes should be put on a shelf or in another place where they can be easily accessed when needed.
- Make sure that there is enough light in the room, because some children might have sensitivity issues towards light. However, make sure that the room is not over-lit as well, because it could cause eye problems for some individuals as well.
- Think about getting some special equipment for children with physical disabilities and also those who might have other kinds of special needs as well. A wheelchair, a walker, or braces could help those individuals walk around more easily.
- Make sure there are no sharp objects around, such as pencils or scissors, which could hurt someone.
2. Organizing the desks in the classroom
For students with special needs, certain criteria must be considered when organizing the desks in the classroom. Specific types of education and individualized instruction are needed to make them comfortable while learning. Classroom management is also crucial. It is important to understand their behavior and manage them accordingly.
If you want your student to learn well, his or her desk must be organized according to his or her specific needs. All desks should be placed close together with no empty spaces between them. So that everyone can see what every other student is doing at all times.
It is essential to have a clear view of every child who can be disruptive due to certain factors like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, developmental delays, and more. When children are being distracted by one another, they cannot concentrate on their work, which affects their learning process negatively.
3. Organizing the toys
Organizing the toys in the classroom for students with special needs is important. It helps them have a place of their own and find their toys easily. Children with special needs learn and grow in different ways and at different rates than other children. They may have difficulty attending to tasks, remembering, and/or organizing. These areas can be addressed by creating a work environment that is organized and offers structure.
It is important, however, that you try your best to organize the toys in the classroom so that every student has access to all of them during the course of the day. Some teaching professionals recommend setting up “zones” in the classroom where each student can have access to a few things that they like at any particular time throughout the day.
4. Organize the classroom space
The first thing you should do when organizing the classroom space is to find a good spot for your desk. The desk should be in an area that can be seen by everyone. Make sure you have enough tables and chairs for everyone in your class. You also need to make sure that you have sufficient lighting in your classroom, so it is important that you check this before getting started with organizing the classroom space.
You will want your classrooms to have natural light coming in from a window. If there is not enough natural light coming into the room, then it would be wise to get artificial light installed in the room as well.
When it comes to organizing the classroom space, you will want to make sure that you clear out all of your storage areas so that they are free of clutter and other items that can get misplaced easily. When it comes to how many storage areas you will need to organize your classroom space, consider how many materials you need on hand at all times.
5. Labeling classroom material
It’s important to remember that labeling classroom material is important for children with special needs because it allows them to feel secure in their surroundings while they learn new things. Labels also allow teachers to spend more time teaching and less time searching for missing materials.
After you label the items, follow up by reviewing the labels with your child to make sure they understand what they mean before you put them back into his or her desk or locker. However, don’t leave out any labels on objects intended for your child’s personal use, such as a lunch box or backpack. You want him or her to know where his or her belongings go as soon as he or she enters the classroom each day so that transitions are quick and easy for everyone involved.
Labeling classroom material is important not only for children with special needs but also for those who have trouble remembering where things go.
6. Use technology to organize a classroom
Trying to organize children for activities can be especially difficult if you’re working with kids who have special needs. Integrating technology into your classroom will help you keep track of your students and how they’re doing so that you can get them the extra help they need.
If your school uses an online scheduling system, you may be able to use a mobile app to check schedules and view attendance on the go. If not, there are several apps that you can use to track this information on your phone or tablet. With a few clicks, you’ll know exactly where each student is at any time during the day.
Using an app, like TUB App, teachers can stay organized and know what needs to be worked on with each student in the classroom or at home. You’ll be able to easily see which students need extra help.
Conclusion – Organize a classroom for children with special needs
Organizing a classroom for children with special needs can be challenging. There are many challenges to take into consideration, and as a result, it can be difficult to decide how to organize the classroom in the best manner possible. While it may not always be possible to create the exact organization you want, by taking some of these factors into consideration, it is definitely possible to create a highly functional classroom that caters toward the specific needs of students with special needs.
In the end, the way you organize your classroom for children with special needs will depend largely on your philosophy regarding education. But hopefully, this list has given teachers a good starting point for how to use technology to organize their classrooms and plan lessons that are applicable to all students. If you’re interested in using these technologies in your classroom, consult our team. And if you know of any other applications that are helpful in organizing a classroom for children with special needs, feel free to leave them in the comments below!